OSINT Investigations Made Simple: Installing CSI Linux On VirtualBox

Ervin Zubic
OSINT Ambition
Published in
5 min readFeb 16, 2024


Learn how to install CSI Linux 2023 on VirtualBox with this comprehensive step-by-step guide. Get ready to dive into the world of forensic analysis and OSINT investigations.

Black and white sketch of a computer setup with VirtualBox interface showing CSI Linux OVA import, a notepad titled “OSINT Investigations Made Simple: Installing CSI Linux On VirtualBox”, a pencil on the notepad, and a VirtualBox logo, all symbolizing the setup process for forensic analysis.
OSINT Odyssey. Image created using DALL-E.


This guide will walk you through installing CSI Linux 2023.2 on VirtualBox. Whether you’re a seasoned investigator or just starting, this step-by-step guide will help you set up your virtual environment and prepare you to delve into the exciting world of OSINT investigations. So, let’s get started!

Pro Tip: VirtualBox may not perform optimally on Macs with M1 or M2 processors. As an alternative, consider using UTM(https://mac.getutm.app) for virtualization on these systems.

This setup was completed on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, but the process is largely the same across different operating systems.

The image is a screenshot of a website offering a software solution to run operating systems securely on a Mac. The site features a large header that reads “Securely run operating systems on your Mac,” with download options available for direct download and via the Mac App Store. Below this, there’s a window displaying a virtualized instance of Windows XP, with its classic green rolling hills desktop background and the start menu visible.
Screenshot of https://mac.getutm.app/ landing page. Source: Authors web browser.

Installing VirtualBox Platform Packages

Before installing CSI Linux 2023, we must ensure you have the necessary software. Start by installing the VirtualBox platform packages for your operating system. Head to the VirtualBox website and download the latest version compatible with your OS. After downloading, follow the installation instructions to set up VirtualBox.

Webpage displaying VirtualBox version 7.0.14 download options for various operating systems, checksum verification links, and a note on software upgrades and extension packs.
Figure 1. The image shows a webpage for downloading VirtualBox software. Source: Authors web browser.

Installing the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack

In addition to the VirtualBox platform packages, we need to install the VirtualBox Extension Pack. This pack enhances the functionality of VirtualBox and allows for seamless integration with CSI Linux 2023. Visit the VirtualBox website, find the extension pack for your version of VirtualBox, and download it. Next, proceed to follow the instructions for installing the extension pack.

Information on VirtualBox 7.0.14 Oracle VM Extension Pack for all supported platforms, mentioning features, user manual link, and advising on version compatibility under PUEL.
Figure 2. The image shows a segment of a webpage detailing the VirtualBox 7.0.14 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack. Source: Authors web browser.

Next, visit the CSI Linux download page and download the Virtual Appliance for VirtualBox. After downloading, extract the file to prepare it for use with VirtualBox.

Importing CSI Linux 2023 OVA Package

Now that we have VirtualBox set up, it’s time to import the CSI Linux 2023 package you just downloaded. Open VirtualBox and navigate to the import option. Locate the folder where you have exported and saved the vmdk file, and select it. Click “Next” to proceed with the import. If desired, you can customize the import settings, but the default options should work fine. Select the destination drive for installation of CSI Linux 2023 and click “Finish” to start the import process.

Screenshot of Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager showing the main interface with a welcome message, toolbar options for VM management, and a hot air balloon graphic.
Figure 3. The image is a screenshot of the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager interface. The menu bar at the top includes “File”, “Machine”, and “Help”. Below it, the “Tools” section with icons for “Preferences”, “Import”, “Export”, “New”, and “Add” is visible. Authors desktop.

Post-Import Configuration and Tips

Once the import is complete, you should see CSI Linux 2023 listed in VirtualBox. However, a few additional configurations and tips can enhance your experience. For example, if you want to add external USB devices like a hard drive, it’s best to go to the VirtualBox settings, navigate to the USB section, and add your device. This ensures that the USB device is automatically recognized within CSI Linux. Additionally, if you encounter any issues with USB detection, we provide a troubleshooting tip in the next section.

Screenshot of Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager showing two virtual machines, ‘CSI Linux 2023.2’ powered off and ‘CSI Linux Fresh Install’ with a changed state, along with VM management tools and error messages.
Figure 4. The image is a screenshot of the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager interface with a list of virtual machines. One virtual machine is listed: “CSI Linux 2023.2 VirtualBox.” Authors desktop.

Troubleshooting and Optimization

In some cases, the USB devices may be detected after some time. If you face this issue, go to the toolbar and click the USB icon. A list of available devices will appear, allowing you to select the desired device manually. This resolves most USB-related problems. Furthermore, if you’re using CSI Linux 2023 on an external hard drive, note that the USB connection might lead to slower performance. For improved speed and efficiency, consider using a faster interface like USB-C to a solid-state drive.

Pro Tip: Create a snapshot of a newly installed operating system before beginning your investigation. This allows you to quickly return to a clean state for each new case.

Cropped view of Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager with VM management icons and a virtual machine named ‘CSI Linux Fresh Install’ marked as having a changed state.
Figure 5. “CSI Linux Fresh Install. Authors desktop.

Getting Started with CSI Linux 2023

With everything set up, it’s time to boot into CSI Linux 2023! Click on the boot icon in VirtualBox, and CSI Linux will start loading. After a short period, you will be greeted with the login screen. Use the username “CSI” and “ CSI “ password to access the system. Once logged in, you’ll notice a red CSI Linux background, indicating you’re now immersed in forensic analysis. Take a moment to explore the pre-installed tools and familiarize yourself with the interface.

Figure 6. The image shows a Linux CSI login screen. Authors desktop.


Congratulations on successfully installing CSI Linux 2023 on VirtualBox! You’re now equipped with a robust forensic analysis environment that will unlock new possibilities in your investigations. Whether you’re an experienced investigator or just starting your journey, CSI Linux 2023 provides a comprehensive suite of tools for all your OSINT and forensic needs.

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My name is Ervin Zubic I am the founder of blockquiry, a St. Petersburg-based company developing fraud detection tools and anti-cybercrime applications.